$1,497 $1,397

The 4-Week "Write Your Book on the Side" System

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The 4-Week "Write Your Book on the Side" System

$1,497 $1,397

UPDATE: This course is now sold out. If you'd like to be notified when the next cohort opens up, please click here to enter your information and you'll be the first to know

How to quickly turn your experience into a bestselling nonfiction book

This is a live online course that will show you how to write, publish, and sell a high-quality bestselling nonfiction book in less than 4 weeks (using AI tools to write it quickly and in your own voice)

Even if you:

  • Don't have a lot of time
  • Don't know where to start
  • Don't have a topic yet

This course is designed for you.

Achieve your dream of becoming an author, or you'll get your money back - no questions asked.

I'll show you the exact system I've used to write over 20+ books, including 9 Amazon Bestsellers, while working demanding full-time jobs and balancing family life (and without having a large social media following).

Who is this for?

The course is for busy employees and entrepreneurs who have limited time and are interested in quickly publishing their first nonfiction book.

It's for ambitious thought leaders who want to:

  1. Improve their brand & credibility (and elevate their careers)
  2. Make some money on the side
  3. Accomplish a personal goal
  4. Upsell other services or products (coaching, speaking, consulting, digital products, etc.)
  5. Find a new job or get new clients

Or all of the above.

What will you get?

You'll get a step-by-step blueprint that covers everything from A to Z about how to self-publish a short book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) in 4 weeks.

You can follow along to get your book published during those 4 weeks, or you can take a bit more time and work at your own pace.

The course covers everything from picking the right topic to coming up with a killer title, using market intelligence to your advantage, writing and publishing your book quickly, and marketing it to bestseller status.

This is a repeatable system that you can use to also publish your second, third, and fourth book in the future.

How will AI be used? (Answer: as an assistant and not as a replacement)

You'll learn how to use AI tools (primarily ChatGPT) to effortlessly research, generate ideas, draft detailed outlines, and market your book.

You'll also learn how to use something called custom GPTs that will help you write your book quickly and in your own style (don't worry if this sounds confusing; I'll walk you through all of that in the course and you don't need prior technical experience)

As a side note, the course is not about creating a generic ChatGPT-based book to make a few dollars. This is about mindfully writing and publishing a book you'll be proud of. So the AI tools you'll use will not sacrifice the book's quality. And most importantly, those AI tools will be used to assist you in writing, and not to replace you.

What's different about this course?

There are many courses about writing books.

Here are 3 reasons why this course is different:

Reason #1: "Business Card on Steroids" vs. "Just a Book"

This course focuses on building an asset that will open up many opportunities for you. It'll be like having a business card on steroids that will elevate your status and make you more money because of your book (opportunities) than from your book (royalties). I have received multiple job offers, speaking engagements, conference invites, and media shout-outs all because of my books. We'll spend time on picking the right topic & title to maximize that effect for you.

Reason #2: "80/20" vs. "Every Tactic Under the Sun"

There are hundreds of tactics and strategies that you can use to write and market your book. If you apply every tactic under the sun, there's a good chance you'll be quite successful. But as a busy working professional, you probably don't have the time to do everything. We'll focus on the 80/20, or the 20% of tactics that bring you 80% of the results. In other words, we'll focus on the stuff that really matters.

Reason #3: "Platform Marketing" vs. "Me Marketing"

Instead of relying on your own social media followers and personal network to market your book, this course will leverage Amazon to market the book for you. We'll focus on optimizing your book for Amazon's platform so that you can maximize your book's visibility and reach for organic marketing (this is the strategy I've followed for years, and it has resulted in over 100,000 downloads of my books).

How realistic is it to write a full book in just 4 weeks?

It's very realistic.

In fact, you can do it in less than 4 weeks. I've written three books, and each one took me 1 week or less to write and publish them (I explain how in the course).

Here's why this is feasible for you:

  • We'll focus on a small problem
  • We'll write a short book
  • We'll apply the 80/20 rule
  • We'll use AI to write it quickly
  • We'll publish an ebook first*

To be clear, this is an intensive program and you'll need to work hard to complete the tasks during those four weeks (there is no magic button—even with all the advanced AI tools today—nothing can write the whole book for you). How fast you can get your book done also depends on your comfort level and prior experience.

*While it's possible to also publish paperback and audiobook versions in 4 weeks, those usually take more time to prepare, so we'll focus on getting your ebook version published first, and you can publish other formats later if you want (I'll show you how)

Can't write & publish it in 4 weeks?

That's totally fine!

In fact, many people don't publish their book in 4 weeks because they have pressing family & work commitments. You can learn the entire system and publish your book at your own pace. I prefer that you take a bit more time to create a great book than publish something just for the sake of publishing it.

The good news is that:

1) You have lifetime access to all the recordings and bonuses, so you can reference them at a time that's most convenient for you.

2) You will learn a system that you can repeat later. So even if your first book takes longer than 4 weeks to write and publish, your second one will take you a lot less time.

What are the prerequisites to join?

Here are the two mandatory & optional prerequisites to join the course:

  • [Mandatory] Ability to open a free Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account. If you're based out of the US, this shouldn't be a problem because you can use your SSN, EIN or TIN. But if you reside outside the US, please confirm you can create an account on the KDP website here (this is for Amazon tax purposes and to ensure you can get paid for your book sales).
  • [Optional] A subscription to ChatGPT Plus (currently $20 per month). You don't need to have this because you can use a free ChatGPT account, but the free account is usually slow and has messaging limits. (As a side note, you can pay for only 1 month for ChatGPT Plus and then unsubscribe)

Cohort Details (Times & Dates)

Start Date: Tuesday (February 11, 2025)

End Date: Saturdays (March 08, 2025)

Sessions: 8 live Zoom group sessions over 4 weeks (all sessions will be recorded for those who couldn't attend)

Session Days & Times: Tuesdays at 7pm US ET and Saturdays at 10am US ET* (8 total sessions over 4 weeks)

Session Types Durations:

  • Tuesdays: Main course lectures (75 to 90 minutes each) - sessions will be recorded
  • Saturdays: Open group Q&A sessions (60 to 75 minutes) - sessions will be recorded - you can also submit questions via email ahead of time & they will be answered live

*Note: One of the Saturday sessions will be at 1 pm US ET to accommodate folks who live in a different time zone. More details about which Saturday will be provided at the beginning of the course.

What's Covered in the Course?

Here's an overview of what's covered in each session.


Session 1 (Tuesday): Kickstart Your Author Journey - The Big Picture, Choosing Your Topic, and Using AI

  • How to think about your book as a business card on steroids (and rule #1)
  • Amazon vs. other platforms and how Amazon really works (pros & cons).
  • How to write your book in 4 weeks (big picture step-by-step plan)
  • How to start thinking about marketing before you write your book
  • Pricing models and how much money you can make
  • How to choose a general topic and pick the right title
  • How to create a winning outline structure that makes people want to read your book
  • Kickstarting your use of AI with ChatGPT for research and idea generation
  • Logistics & how to access and use the bonuses of the course


Session 2 (Saturday): Q&A

  • Open Q&A to discuss any contextual questions you may have
  • Optional feedback on prospective book titles

Session 3 (Tuesday): Title & Outline Finalization and Using Custom GPTs to Write Your Book Quickly

  • How to test for interest and research keywords
  • How to structure your book and common mistakes to avoid
  • How to finalize your book's title, subtitle and outline through strategic iteration
  • Gathering early interest in the book
  • How to create and use custom GPTs to write your book in your own voice
  • Writing best practices to write your book quickly even if you don't have a lot of time


Session 4 (Saturday): Q&A

  • Open Q&A to discuss any contextual questions you may have
  • Optional feedback on finalizing book titles


Session 5 (Tuesday): Editing, Formatting, Designing a Cover, and Publishing Your Book

  • How to edit your book using AI (and other techniques)
  • Formatting best practices that save you time and money
  • How to quickly design a great-looking book cover (for free)
  • How to publish your book on Amazon KDP
  • How to choose the right keywords for your book
  • How to create a convincing sales page for your book
  • How to pick the right categories to maximize the chances of hitting the Amazon Bestseller list

Session 6 (Saturday): Q&A

  • Open Q&A to discuss any contextual questions you may have


Session 7 (Tuesday): Launching Your Book, Gathering Reviews, and Marketing It

  • How to price your book (and how to change it over time)
  • How to launch your book in easy steps
  • How to use free giveaways strategically
  • How to request reviews (and which ones matter most)
  • How to promote and market your book
  • How to use ads to get more sales
  • What to do after you launch your book (a step-by-step plan)
  • Publishing other formats of your book
  • How to use and access the rest of the bonuses of the course


Session 8 (Saturday): Q&A

  • Open Q&A to discuss any contextual questions you may have


Please note: The outline is fluid because I continuously add more to it and/or move things around, but everything you see above will be covered.

A Little About Me

My name is Hassan Osman and I'm an author on the side. I've published over 20 books on Amazon in 4 different categories (including 9 Amazon Bestsellers), all while working demanding full-time jobs.

I don't have a huge social media following, and I rely on Amazon as a platform to organically sell my books (over 100,000 downloads).

Because of my books, I've been featured in the media and received multiple career opportunities.

One of my bestselling books is called "Write Your Book on the Side," and here's what a few folks have said about it.

I'm also the host of the "Writer on the Side" podcast, where I've interviewed over 100 successful authors about their book writing and selling strategies.

Here are just a few:

In this course, I'll share everything I learned from all those great writers and from my 18+ years of experience creating, marketing, and selling successful books on the side.


Bonuses (Free with Your Purchase)

Bonus #1: "How to Pick a Bestselling Book Title" Framework ($60 Value)

A short, self-paced course that gives you a framework to pick a nonfiction book title that readers want to buy. This will be a deep-dive, step-by-step process on how to come up with an outcome statement and how to narrow the audience & topic of your book (everything will hinge on getting your title right, so this will be a super important bonus)

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 1.

Bonus #2: "Write Like Me" Custom GPT ($250 Value)

I will personally create a "Write Like Me" custom GPT for you that you can use to write your book in your own voice (I'll just need previous samples of your writing style so I can load them in the GPT). You'll need a free ChatGPT account to use the custom GPT (or if you have an optional paid ChatGPT account, I'll show you how to create that custom GPT yourself - whatever is most convenient for you).

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 3.

Bonus #3: Nonfiction Book ChatGPT Prompts ($30 Value)

You'll get a downloadable cheat sheet of ChatGPT prompts to help you in every stage of your book-writing process. From idea generation to research assistance to outlining, writing, and marketing. Those will be huge time savers that you can refer to throughout the process.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 3.

Bonus #4: A Simple ChatGPT-Writing Framework ($40 Value)

You'll get a step-by-step walkthrough of how to use your "Write Like Me" GPT along with the ChatGPT prompts to help you write your book efficiently and effortlessly.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 3.

Bonus #5: Full Book Launch Checklist  ($40 Value)

A step-by-step checklist that helps you launch your book on Amazon successfully. You'll learn what you should do before you launch, during your launch, and after your launch to maximize exposure to your book. The checklist will help you avoid missing critical steps and know when to request Amazon reviews.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 5.

Bonus #6: Customized Amazon Bestselling Book Category Selections ($250 Value)

Amazon allows you to list your book under 3 different Kindle categories. If you pick the right ones (that are relevant and have low competition), you will maximize the chance that your book hits the No. 1 Amazon Bestseller list (which helps you sell more books and you can use that accomplishment as a credibility indicator). I will personally research those Amazon bestselling book categories for your book's topic so you can list them in the KDP dashboard right before you publish.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus after you finalize your book's title & subtitle (note: it takes me some time to do this as it's a manual research effort, so priority will be for those who will plan on publishing the book quickly)

Bonus #7: Three Specialized GPTs for Writing Your Book Title, Outline, and Description ($75 Value)

Three private GPTs that help you with every major phase of your book writing & publishing journey (I'll explain how to use them in the course):

  • Book Title Helper: A custom GPT that will help guide you on choosing a general topic, as well as a bestselling title & subtitle combination
  • Book Outline Helper: A custom GPT that will help guide you in creating a bestselling outline for your book
  • Book Description Helper: A custom GPT that will help guide you in writing a bestselling description for your book

Note: You'll get access to this bonus at different phases throughout the course (right after sessions 1, 3, and 5)

Bonus #8: Email Scripts for Authentic Amazon Book Reviews ($40 Value)

30+ email scripts that help convince your readers to leave an honest review of your book. You can simply copy & paste those emails and send them out to prospective reviewers. Those are the exact scripts I've used to get over 2,700+ Amazon reviews across all my books.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 7.

Bonus #9: "Book to GPT" Guide ($60 Value)

A short guide that shows you how to transform your published book into a personalized ChatGPT experience for your readers (in less than five minutes and without any technical skills). By building a custom GPT for your book, you will help your readers get more value it, and it will help you market your work via new channels.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 8.

Bonus #10: "Repurposing Your Book for Profit Maximization" Framework ($60 Value)

After you launch your book, you can maximize its profit potential through repurposing. You'll get a list of 15+ paid and free repurposing strategies that will help you unlock new ideas for increasing revenue for your book while spending minimal additional effort.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 8.

Bonus #11: How to Create & Sell a Udemy Course on the Side ($375 Value)

One secret tactic I don't share very often is that nearly every book I publish turns into a course on Udemy. I currently have over 370,000 students enrolled through the platform and have learned some insider secrets about what works. This bonus is a 4-hour course that shows you everything I know about how to create and sell a bestselling course on Udemy. I'll walk you step-by-step through the process and you can use your book's content to repurpose it into another money-generating asset.

Note: You'll get access to this bonus right after session 8.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you're not satisfied for any reason within 30 days of starting the course, I guarantee that you'll get 100% percent of your money back. I'll even pay the processing fees (i.e., I'll pay the ~15% platform & credit card fees, so I would literally lose money with this guarantee :-) ). That's how confident I am that this will be a valuable experience for you.


Q: What if I cannot attend any of the live sessions due to my time zone or other commitments?

A: That's totally fine. You can watch all the recordings later and you can submit questions ahead of time via a form (which I can answer for you during the live Q&A sessions). A couple of folks in past cohorts attended the entire course while watching the recordings and they were happy with the experience.

Q: Do you offer a payment plan?

A: Yes, I offer a payment plan that includes 3 monthly payments of $575 each. There's no direct way to do this via Gumroad so please email at hassan [at] writerontheside [dot] com and I'll set up the payment plan for you.

Q: Why Amazon? Can the concepts apply to other publishers?

A: Amazon is the largest and most popular book platform in the world, and it has a lot of advantages for authors. I've published 20+ books on the platform, and it's the marketplace that most global readers use to buy books. We'll get into some ideas about using other platforms, but most of the tactics in the course will be Amazon-specific.


Q: Will the course include access to a private community?

Yes, you'll get access to a LinkedIn group. The group is private, and joining it is optional. The goal of the group is for the course attendees to connect with each other and bounce ideas around. I'll be popping in every once in a while into the group, but I'll rely primarily on the Q&A sessions (after the lectures on Tuesday and during the sessions on Saturday) to answer your major questions. This is to make sure no one misses out on lessons learned.


Q: Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, all the sessions will be recorded and shared with everyone (whether you can attend or not) after each session is over.


 Q: How and when will the recordings be shared?

All the sessions will be recorded and shared after each session is over. They will be shared via email right after each session or the next day at the latest.

Q: What if this cohort's dates/ times don't work for me (or I'd like to attend a future cohort but not this one)?

You can still sign up and watch the recordings at your convenience (several have done so in past cohorts). However, if you would like to be notified when the next cohort opens up, please click here to enter your information and you'll be the first to know.


Ready to become a bestselling author?

Enroll now by clicking on "I want this!" and start your journey today.

Have questions? Feel free to drop me an email at hassan [at] writerontheside [dot] com

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The 4-Week "Write Your Book on the Side" System (Live Course: 8 Sessions)

Plus 11 Awesome Free Bonuses
Online Class Starts: Feb 11, 2025
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30-day money back guarantee